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Projekt: UZA

Suddenly the world is overrun with zombies. Joelle 'Joe' Vito is trying to make it to Phoenix Arizona, because she has heard that it's safe there. When she is about to leave California she meets people she had known before the apokalypse - a policeman, a baker, an older pensionist and two teenagers -, and they team up to try to survive. On their way to Phoenix they meet a family of three. A blonde, her son and her husband. Instantly Joe takes interest in this woman, as she thinks there is something weird about the family. But it's hard to survive out there, they lose people on the way. The strongest survive. Is Phoenix really as safe as they say? And who the hell is Callaghan?

Projekt: Byen

En dystopi. En drøm om et enklere liv. En umulig kærlighed. Savner du tryghed? · Ønsker du en hverdag hvor du ikke skal bekymre dig om dagen i morgen? · Vi vil tage hånd om din fremtid. · Vi vil tage hånd om dine børns fremtid. · Vi giver dig hånden på at beskytte dig og dine. · Ræk hånden frem og bliv en del af Arvidabo, fremtidens by. Skriv nu og hør om du er kvalificeret til at blive borger i Arvidabo.